
Views from World Shakespeare Bibliography submission site

Before their migration to a new Drupal-based website, I worked with the World Shakespeare Bibliography to develop an interim submissions site that allowed their contributors to submit references to new Shakespeare-related publications or performances. Drupal’s content creation forms provided more user-friendly interface for the contributors to enter all the necessary information, and Views was used to display the submissions using the obscure, pre-digital formatting conventions that were required for final submission to the publisher.

Using Views to generate an MLA bibliography

Once you're comfortable using Views to pull together lists, tables, and visualizations of data from individual nodes, users, and taxonomies, you can make use of some of the advanced Views settings to pull in data from nodes that are referenced using a Node Reference field, and use information from the path (for a page display) or the current page (for a block display) to limit your view results to information relevant to a particular context. As an example, let's take the task of generating MLA citations for books, on a site that contains Book, Person, and Publisher content types.